Reporting to you live from New York Presbyterian Mental Hospital is I!!!
(insert the Usher "oohhohohohhhhhohhhhh!!!!!!")
I feel pretty up, y'all. Had a slight breakdown a week ago. Resisted treatment at first, but Lithium is a Godsend. And HUGE shouts to Steve Miller with the iPad hookup. The iPad is honestly the newest form of idol worship. At 1pm, we will all (well, they will) be watching the Yankee game from this lil thingy. Crazy how things work themselves out this way.
Lol at my usage of crazy in a f*kin mental ward.
You better f*kin beeliieeeeeveeee I been writing. Like, even with trying to put Ethan on, I was grizzleey writing. I surpassed my own expectations of art in these last few days. And when I get back to the Logic-al side of Looping Fruits, I will have ...
(Robotnik leer)X
Starchasers, fearanot. I understand your concern(s). And yes, this "game" has been kicking my ass emotionally and what not. Make music because you love it. Not for a budget. And let this serve as a further message.
"I'm gon die with my music by my side... And that's true ****..."
~*Welcome Professor*~
Some would ask why I am even blogging from NYPH. Well, every hoer aspect of my life is public, as well as the consensus of psychosis. Why not blog about it? And most of my critics take literature classes from reading this very blog anyway, so they can take Depikote right along with my non-crazy psyfriends. I truly heart my co-patients.
Be home soon.
I am living in the life after albums.
I am living in the life after albums. And in room 324 of 6a North.
via: his blog
Damn, I always knew he was going crazy..but I guess it's offciall he IS crazy. Hopefully Sonic gets the help that he needs and gets his head on straight..
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