Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows (Trailer)
The trailer that got the Internet going nuts..Part 1 to be released in November...Part 2 to be released July of 2011..Epic shit son!!
Eminem makes Nielsen/SoundScan history
Eminem is the first artist in Nielsen/SoundScan history (which dates to 1991) to top the 700K plateau in weekly sales with four albums.
Recovery is Eminem's sixth #1 album. Among rappers, only Jay-Z has had as many or more #1 albums (11). What's more, Recovery is Eminem's sixth consecutive album to reach #1. That's the longest string of consecutive #1 albums (in which every charted album made #1) since the Beatles had eight in a row from Beatles VI in 1965 to the so-called White Album in 1968. (Eminem had seven of the 22 tracks on Eminem Presents: The Re-Up, which peaked at #2 in 2006, but that was marketed as a Various Artists album.)
This week's hefty total for Recovery pushes Eminem from #10 to #9 on Nielsen/SoundScan's running list of the best-selling album artists in its history. (He pushes ahead of Pink Floyd on this list, which reflects sales from 1991 to 2010.) Eminem has sold 36,519,000 albums, which makes him the top rapper on the list. He is way ahead of Jay-Z, who is #27 overall with sales of 27,888,000 albums.
via: Yahoo
I thought MJ was the only one who made this kind of HIStory..clap for em
Kanye West-Power Single Artwork
via: YourAudioFix
Kanye always wanting to be different..single is dropping on Itunes in a few hours...Good Ass Job dropping September (hopefully)
Will.I.Am uses iPad to catch thief
"Last week, Black Eyed Peas lead MC had his Bentley burglarized for 10K of jewels and goods. Well will didn’t take that lyin’ down. Cooperating with the law, he used his iPad built-in tracking system to locate the jackers whereabouts. And guess what? It worked. He got most of his shit back and the crook is currently on the run but close to be captured. Celebrity justice, son
Via: Rap Radar
Damn Steve Jobs's little gadget is no joke son..
Paranormal Activity 2 teaser trailer
The trailer was shown before Eclipse, and you dont't really see much. The movie is scheduled to be released around October. Hopefully Katie and them big tat tats make a return :)
Black Sheep unaware of Kia commercial
“The Choice is Yours” is in a new Kia commercial and some other classic hip-hop songs have been getting commercial revivals too. What’s up with the resurgence of golden era hip-hop in advertising?
I think it’s reflective of a time period of a certain level where it was good feelings. Certain songs just represent a good feeling and I think “The Choice is Yours” is one of those that was so fortunate to have that life. There are songs that⎯like with when Obama won⎯you knew where you were and what you were doing and “The Choice is Yours” is like that. I didn’t have any time to do any form of huge promotion globally so at this time that I got an album coming out, it’s such a blessing that so many people are turning their heads to notice, wow Black Sheep, what’s Dres up to? But it kind of goes to the walk of an artist especially from my era⎯everything was kinda young and this Kia commercial, I didn’t even have anything to do with it.
So you didn’t even know it was going to happen?
I wasn’t even contacted. I have yet to receive payment on it but don’t get it twisted, I will. I’ve been talking to Kia for the past week or two so certain things might be done moving forward in maximizing what we’re trying to do. But Universal, the record label, was basically the ones that signed off on it and gave them permission to use my likeness so that’s a different story that might wind up having a life of itself as well. I wouldn’t say that the label did everything that they were supposed to do but that goes to us being young artists and not understanding some of the things that we were signing. I would say to the artists today⎯and this is 20 years later⎯that I’m not the administrator of some of the things that I should be especially so far down the road. But God moves in mysterious ways and I see it as a blessing at the end of the day.
Via: Vibe
well Kia better hope Black Sheep don't pay them a visit the same way Stewie did Brian..
Lauryn Hill performs Lost Ones over Drake/Timbalands's Say Something
I guess Ms. Hill is feeling Jimmy's music too. Word has it that Lauryn Hill will perform The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill album in it's entirety at Rock The Bells..that's wassup
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Recovery set to sell over 750k first week
Via: HitsDailyDouble
The final numbers aren't all the way in let, but it seems like Marshall Mathers is set to have the highest selling album of I said why y'all surprised?...he is kind of a big deal
Lauryn Hill talks about her return to music..
Much to the relief of her fans, Hip-Hop veteran Lauryn Hill is looking to make her return to the music world. Sure, she has popped up in a few spots over the past few years, but the mega talented Hill hasn’t launched a full scale comeback in a little over a decade. She released her classic debut album, The Misseducation Of Lauryn Hill, and then faded into the background.
Rumors about the reasons behind her departure from the scene have been swirling around the Internet for a while as fans tried to make sense of her absence, but during a recent interview, she herself explained why she walked away. According to the singer/rapper there were several reasons that led to her disappearance but ultimately she had to get some of her personal affairs in order.
“There were a number of different reasons (why I left),” said Hill while talking to National Public Radio. “But partly, the support system that I needed was not necessarily in place. There were things about myself, personal-growth things that I had to go through in order to feel like it was worth it. In fact, as musicians and artists, it’s important we have an environment -- and I guess when I say environment, I really mean the (music) industry, that really nurtures these gifts.”
“Oftentimes, the machine can overlook the need to take care of the people who produce the sounds that have a lot to do with the health and well-being of society, or at least some aspect of society. And it’s important that people be given the time that they need to go through, to grow, so that the consciousness level of the general public is properly affected. Oftentimes, I think people are forced to make decisions prematurely. And then that sound radiates.”
In related news, Hill is scheduled to perform during the Rock The Bells festival this year. The event will make four stops; two of which are in California. The others are in New York and Washington D.C.
Swizz Beatz owes more then $2.2 Million in back taxes
The state of New York and the IRS claim Swizzy owes more than $2.2 million in delinquent state and federal taxes.
According to Detroit News, the state of New York and the IRS claim Swizz Beatz owes more than $2.2 million in delinquent state and federal taxes.
Swizz Beatz, 31, and Keys are expecting their first child later this year.
What's owed:
* The IRS filed a $652,727 lien against Swizz Beatz, real name Kasseem Dean, on June 3 with the Rockland County (N.Y.) Clerk. According to the lien, which you can see here, he owes income taxesfrom 2008.
* The state of New York filed a $162,300 tax warrant against Dean and his ex-wife Feb. 4, 2009, with the New York County Clerk.
* The IRS filed a $556,986 lien against Dean and his ex-wife on Aug. 18, 2008, in Rockland County. They owe 2007 income taxes, according to this public record.
* The IRS filed an $842,645 lien against Dean and his ex-wife March 4, 2008, with the Somerset County (N.J.) Clerk. According to this lien, they owe income taxes from 2006.
via: HipHopStan
I hope Alicia is ready for this one..what's up with all these rappers not paying Uncle Sam..someone bring him his money please
Eminem talks about being snubbed by MTV, "Forever", rehab, & scrapped Relapse 2 songs..
Em has a short chit chat with Vibe..I still wanna hear them Relapse 2 tracks goddamn it! :(
Days before his seventh album, Recovery, dropped, Eminem sat with VIBE for a short convo..
VIBE: How'd you feel about the response to "Forever"?
Eminem: The response was great. I didn’t really look it like I’m competing against these guys. I’m on a record with them, but I just wanted to make a good song. Certainly, the response helped, as far as me being able to feel good about myself again. It took me so long to just even be able to do that. I was pretty down for a few years. I went through some things and not just with addiction, some personal setbacks and I was down. Just being able to get back up again feels good. I think everything played a factor of where I’m at now.
Vibe: On Recovery, you have this one line on “25 to Life” where you talk about taking control of your relationship with hip-hop. How have you done that?
Eminem: What the whole song is saying is that I have a strange relationship with hip-hop because I love it so much. I go through this thing in my head a lot, which I’m sure every rapper does, where you give your life to this thing. You literally give everything that you got. I come to work some days wearing the same thing two days in a row—baggy sweats—just dedicating my life to this. And there are times that I feel like I get the respect that I deserve and there are times where I feel like I don’t.
Vibe: Like when MTV excluded you from their Hottest MCs of 2009 list?
Eminem: That hottest MC list that I was left off, it was one of those things that I was glad that I am at where I'm at. I’m glad I’m in this place now, because a few years ago I would've let it bother me more than it did. I took it not as a slap in the face but more so like, "Maybe I’m not on that list for a reason. Maybe I’m not doing the things that I need to be doing. Maybe I need to look at myself and step it up." I don’t know what I would have thought being in the mind state that I was in. I just felt like maybe I need to do better.
Vibe: As a person, are you proud of yourself?
Eminem: I handle things a lot differently now. I’m proud to be able to say that I’m an addict without any shame in it. I’m proud that I’m able to admit that I have a problem with a certain thing and I have to leave it alone and accept it. I’m proud that I’m strong enough to be able to walk away form those things.
Vibe: When did you realize that? During rehab? Therapy?
Eminem: I got some tools in rehab when I went in 2005. I got the tools that I need, I just didn’t use them. I got the information, the analysis—I don’t know if that’s the word—of my personality. What type of person I am, why I have this addictive behavior, why I need instant gratification from certain things, why I feel a certain way because my childhood was this way or that way. I got all of those tools, which made me understand why I had to leave that stuff alone. But I didn’t use it and that’s why I went back to it.
Vibe: Why did you decide not to release the songs you'd planned for Relapse 2?
Eminem: On a record like the new record, when I mention the third verse of “Talking to Myself,” I try to sum up the last two records in a nutshell. Mr. Porter, who produced “On Fire,” had this analogy of Encore and Relapse that stuck with me: “Encore I was on drugs, Relapse I was flushing them out.” His view on Relapse was that I was flushing the drugs out my system and looking back at it, I probably was. My mind was coming back, my writing skills were coming back, so I was able to write again because I had writer’s block from the pills. I was backed up. I was writing so much and so quickly that I didn’t have a chance to stop and say, Are these good songs? Are they great songs? I was just going. I was like, 'I got so much material for three albums, but let’s narrow it down to two. Let’s put out Relapse 2 months later. That was the original plan. There are so many drug references on the last album; that’s just where my head was at. I came to life again and everything was like new. When they say 'in recovery' or 'in rehab', it’s like being born again when you get clean and sober. You start appreciating shit that you never thought you would appreciate, like, 'Wow, look at those trees. Look at nature.' Before, it didn’t matter. I just started appreciating things more. I got happy when I got sober, broke free from the chains—not to sound corny. I broke free from the chains of addiction and it was just like 'Ahh, I’m happy again. I’m not a prisoner.' I was just happy to be back.
Via: Vibe
Grind Time Now presents: Arsonal vs Dizaster
well it's a big whomp whomp that the bitch ass cops shut down the battle
I think that Russell Simmons should bring this to HBO....Def Grindtime Battles..Make it happen!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Nipsey Hussle- Killers (Video)
He is the video for Nipsey's verse on the cut he did with Jimmy. Not gonna lie, Jimmy's hook is pretty catchy...
Cover Of The Week: Farnell Newton-Erykah Badu's "Window Seat" from an Instrumental Point of View
this is sum good stuff right here..
Eminem & Jay-Z- Renegade Live on Letterman
I know I am a few days late, but this sum classic ish here..
Fail Moment of the Week: Soulja Boy deletes his Twitter (Busby Rant)
(AllHipHop News) Atlanta rapper/producer Soulja Boy has deleted his Twitter account, after amassing over two million followers on the popular social networking site.
Although the rapper has yet-to-reveal his reasoning for deleting his Twitter account, the website was abuzz with the news, as the rapper quickly became a trending topic.
The rapper caught a lot of negative feedback from people on Twitter using the hash tag #ifsouljaboysarapper.
The move could also cost Soulja Boy thousands of dollars in lost revenue.
According to reports, Soulja Boy and Kim Kardashian were the highest paid celebrity tweeters, earning up to $10,000 per-tweet.
via: Allhiphop
Now when I first came on this site, I promised myself I will NEVER post ANYTHING Soulja Boy, Bow Wow, Lil B, or New Boyz related unless it is some EPIC fail shit. Trust me these dudes have ALOT of them in their life, and this one is NO exception. Soulja Boy is a straight CANCER to hip-hop, he is the leader of to all these bubble gum garbage, no flow, no lyrics, no talent ass niggas in the rap game right now. Call me a hater I don't give a fuck, this nigga is BEYOND garbage, and for him to push this shit in my face as actual MUSIC deserves a chin kick to the face HBK style.
Soulja Boy finally realizes that he has NO LL once said "99% of your fans don't even EXIST!" the 1% that actually like his music need to go jump off a a cliff. That trending topic needed to be made so he can finally see that NOBODY gives a fuck about his bitch ass. Hearing that he actually got PAID for twitting makes me wanna drive to San Francisco, go to twitter headquarters, and chest kick WHOSE EVER had the bright idea to pay that lil niglet. I wanna kick them in their chest on sum spartan shit, and before I yell it I say "THIS IS HIP-HOP!!"
Now I am hearing rumors that Soulja Boy is trying to go the Hov route and wants to quit rapping..Soulja Boy if you do, everybody in hip-hop will just..
Next on my shit list is his gay lover Bow Wow stay tuned..
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Kanye and Cudi dropping albums on the same day?

From Andre Harrell's twitter:
if this is true..then I guess hip-hop is gonna have real G.O.O.D music..
Props: Rap Radar
Playboy files lawsuit for copyright infrigment on Drake
Playboy’s coming for 700%. Apparently, Heff’s company owns the rights to Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds’ “Fallin’ In Love” which is sampled in the beginning of Drake’s “Best I Ever Had”. As a result, a lawsuit was filed against the rapper and Universal Music Group. According to Playboy:
[They] knew or should have reasonably known, that the sound recording was protected by copyright…” and that “each Defendant continues to infringe upon Plaintiff’s rights in and to the copyrighted sound recording.”
Via: Boxden
Damn..Another whomp whomp for Jimmy. Well they should have knew better to release that mixtape track as an official up Jimmy
Drake dissing Ludacris?..Calls him out for taking his siginature flow How much do Young Money artists bounce off each other? I noticed you have similar inflections and cadences or rhyme patterns. I noticed this one thing that Nicki said, “It’s going down. Basement.”
Drake: Well, that flow has been killed by so many rappers. And, I never want to use that flow again in life. [Laughs] I wanted to take if off my album, because I was like, “I shut ‘em down. Onyx.” I hate the fact that that rhyme is still in there. To be honest, that flow, you can trace it back to like…I trace it back to Big Sean (artist on Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Music). That’s the first guy I heard utilize that flow throughout the duration of a verse. I’ll give him that credit. I think Kanye got it from him. Me and Wayne found a dope way to do it. I don’t want to sound cocky, but the best way its been used was on “Forever.” Those lines just all individually make so much sense. They’re all punchlines. Then a bunch of rappers started doing it and using the most terrible references in the world. I don’t want to offend somebody…I hate that rappers picked that flow up. I wish they had left that for people that know how to use it. [They go like] “It’s a parade! MACY’S!”
At that point, you never want to use it.
I see Jimmy putting his foot in his mouth again...Jimmy, what are you doing?, what are you doing?
Friday, June 25, 2010
MP3: The Fifth By Nero
BREAK!!!!!!!!! from all the MJ Posts... RIP and now back to the scheduled programing..
Yes, it has been quite some time since I last had a Nero post. Welp here is one. Nero drops "The Fifth" which is to be placed on his next project, Momentum. Check it out. I personally do not like some of the static feel in the track but the end is too serious. Nero goes in on some straight lyricism spit. I'm on play #7 as we speak, this track is so ill.
Production on this is beyond ill as well.
[The Fifth]mp3
I told yall last summer that this dude is the truth... Patiently waiting to blow #pause
Michael Jackson (5 Decades mix)
very good montage of his entire career...check out my blog too read my reflections on his death and my favorite MJ tracks..
Rhymefest- Man In The Mirror (MJ tribute mixtape)
Oldie but motherfucking goodie, Rhymefest gives his ode to the King of Pop on this classic mixtape presented by Mark Ronsen..this mixtape gave me new fund respect for Rhymefest, it was WELL put together and it is a good listen..
Rhymefest- Man In The Mirror (MJ tribute mixtape)
DJ Jazzy Jeff- He's the King, I'm the DJ
Very good tribute mix that the Fresh Prince's right hand man mixed together. Pretty good mix to the party started..R.I.P MJ
DJ Jazzy Jeff- He's The King, I'm The DJ
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Was Recovery one big subiminal to Lil' Wayne?
Interesting read..
My good friend Jeremy was like Tom Hanks in the ‘Da Vinci Code’ these past few weeks with the new Eminem CD out, trying to point out a hidden message it contained. I was like ‘Get the fuck out of here!’ every time he tried to explain it to me, like he was talking straight ‘bull shit.’ Until I sat down with him and he went over every bit of evidence and had me buying that shit like it was a Google share at $2.
My good friend Jeremy was like Tom Hanks in the ‘Da Vinci Code’ these past few weeks with the new Eminem CD out, trying to point out a hidden message it contained. I was like ‘Get the fuck out of here!’ every time he tried to explain it to me, like he was talking straight ‘bull shit.’ Until I sat down with him and he went over every bit of evidence and had me buying that shit like it was a Google share at $2.
Let me introduce this theory by recapping the background between Shady and Weezy. During Em’s hiatus, which was the time Wayne was at the top of the rap game, Wayne expressed interest in doing a song with Eminem but was blown-off by the rapper who was in recluse. Rumors circulated that Em was plotting a record dedicated to diss Lil Wayne, which Eminem even acknowledged in this latest album, “I almost made a song dissing Lil Wayne.” As Em began his comeback he attributed his slights at Lil Wayne to his drug abuse, and ended up collaborating with him on ‘Forever,’ and ‘Drop the World.’
So why would he diss Lil Wayne now?
First things first, lets go over Eminem’s approach towards this album. Basically Em has created a world within this CD by making ‘hip-hop’ the coveted object he is vying for amongst the rest of the rap game. He makes it obvious in the song ’25 to Life’ about the setbacks that come with being a famous rapper. The other not so obvious metaphorical representations of ‘hip-hop’ being the object of affection is ‘Seduction’ what seems to be referring to his ‘mack’ and how he can take your girl in an instant, but that girl is actually rap, just like it was in ’25 to Life. The lyric to kick the song off “I feel like I’m morphing, into to something so incredible that I’m dwarfing all competitors” is one to consider, but another one that is the convincer “There’s a 7-disc CD changer in her car, and I’m in every single slot and your not.”
For all of those people that still think he’s stuck on Kim, he only refers to her once. The songs ‘Space Bound,’ and ‘Love the Way You Lie’ are about the connection Em has with ‘hip-hop,’ not his ex-wife.
This world that Em sharpens up with his mind-blowing imagery is the key element in the CD to tie everything together. Notice there are re-occurring figures throughout the album, from celebrities like Michael J. Fox, and Elton John, to the multiple references towards fruits, and animals, to the biblical references, the seasons like winter and fall, holidays like Halloween and Christmas, superheroes, the need to refer to every bit of currency, motor-vehicles, and every component of time from, second, minute, day, year, light-year. Basically all of the components that would make up any sort of society. And if you think it is a coincidence let me reiterate the redundancy of the usage of these terms, each term occurs more than once, sometimes a lot more than once.
The two prominent figures in this world, which could be described, as the ‘Land of Hip-Hop,’ which Eminem has created in the CD, is he, and Lil Wayne.
Now pay attention.
The smoking gun in all of this is Lil Wayne’s verse in ‘No Love.’ Everything Lil Wayne said in that verse was used by Shady and taken from its simple layers that Wayne fashioned them with, to more extensive complex expressions Eminem used them with, almost as if to say ‘Anything you can do, I can do better.’
Exhibit A: Wayne starts out the verse, “Throw dirt on me, and grow a wildflower, but it’s FUCK THE WORLD, get a child out her.” Eminem in ‘Not Afraid’ says “Forget the EARTH HE”S GOT THE URGE TO PULL HIS DICK FROM THE DIRT, AND FUCK THE WHOLE UNVIVERSE.” Also, Wayne says he’s “Married to the Game” in ‘No Love,’ and Em says the same thing in ‘Not Afraid.’
Coincidence? Maybe, that’s what I thought to, but lets continue.
Some circumstantial evidence is that a lot of the words Wayne used in that verse like ‘bar,’ ‘back,’ ‘bleed,’ and ‘fire,’ are used continuously by Eminem but multiple times in one sequence, “I’m so tired of this I could blow, fire in the hole, I’m fired up so fire up the lighter and the dro.”
Another example of the beefier evidence is “Bitches try to kick me while I’m down I’ll break your leg (Wayne’s line)” In ‘Cinderella Man” Eminem says, “It’s a rap, I was down, when I was down I was kicked-I got up, I’m ‘bout to punch ya to the ground, YA TRICKED, IT’S A TRAP.” Then Wayne says “You want me up in the cage, then I’ll come out in beast mode” in the same song Em says “Caution to the wind, COMPLETE FREEDOM, look at this rappers, how I treat them, so why the fuck would I join’em when I beat’em.” Then Em goes on in the same song saying “When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight.”
Another bit of evidence is, in the ‘Forever’ track Wayne says “Let the KING talk, check the price and pay attention” Eminem in ‘Not Afraid’ says “You said you was KING you lied through your TEETH, so for that fuck your FILLINGS instead of getting crowned your getting capped.” It is worth noting Lil Wayne needed eight root canals before entering jail.
And here is the ‘out of the ball park,’ kill-shot, “Lil Wayne slurps syrup ‘till he burps and smokes purp does a WORDSEARCH gets circles (W)RAPPED AROUND it like you do when I come through just to remind yourself what the fuck I can do.” Is a Shady line in the song ‘Won’t Back Down.’
If you pay attention to the CD you will notice a lot of lines that could tie in with this whole argument. To dismiss them as coincidental is foolish, because without even acknowledging this theory, you have to acknowledge Em’s meticulous approach with his wordplay throughout the album.
So why would these subliminal lines serve no purpose with someone as attentive, crafty, clever, and deliberate as Eminem?
-Just want to reiterate my good friend Jeremy came up with this theory; I’m just basically the messenger right now.
Via: Jack Of All Thoughts
Dude makes some good points..but he could just be reaching...
Straight outta Inglewood Killa Kali
download the hottest mixtape out california blackout vol.2 by @arb4rblack
Twitter : @arb4rblack
I Salute U Bl92d SUUUUW92P !!!!!!!!!!!
Twitter Hoe RAT StacKs = Fake
Rat StacKs EXPOSED Again !!!!! This time Im gonna expose the BITXH for the fake mfer that she is... Andrea Herrera How did u go from selling Pussy @South Beach for 80 dollars 2 having record lables pay u 2 say u smashed their artist ????? I really dont feel sorry for this RAT kause she wanted 2 B known 2 B a groupie HOE and with all that groupie fame U will get a few enemies.... a few facts about this BUM BITXH #fact 1 She aint fucK all the people she b talking about she smashed #Fact 2 she aint got no money kause chopper had 2 fly her outta LA #Fact 3 U a dead beat Mother #Fact 4 u so ugly niggas aint really tryin 2 smash u They just use you for promotion #fact 5 the niggas u do fucK only give u cKab money #fact BWS never smashed that bitxh they payed her 2 promote them #FAcT WorldstarHipHop pays that bitxh 2 for all her videos #FAcT EVERYTHING IS FAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really I kould go on for days talking about this BUM RAT... But Im not gonna waste my time... I blame the people on twitter for making her who she is kause without u guys she would B a NOBODY !!!!!!!!! well she kinda still is a nobody but yall know what I mean.... and as for her book DEAL BITXH do u even know how 2 read and write??? like really ??? kause sumtimes I dont understand a god damn thing your ass b saying RAT STAcKS BIIIIIEEEEEEETTTTTTTcHHHHHH
?uestlove's Celebrity Stories...
Here is something I came across....its a collection of stories of people that Questlove met over the years...VERY is one on 2Pac
In response to "2Pac" by eag5200. 6 comments .
pac and suge came by the house of blues to the 4/1/96 show the roots/fugees/goodie mob did.
that night was surreal
the fugees record kept skipping much to my delight cause i wanted the entire audience to know that we didn't need to play on top of a record to sound banging.--
all their records skipped in front of a celeb packed audience. this was the night the soulquarians were born. i met both d and erykah the same day.
it wasn't beef......just rivalry on some band to band shit.
best believe that night i was sangin
"let's get craaaaaaazay.....lets gett nuuuuuuuuuuuuuts hahahahahahaaaa" (you must know the movie purple rain to get this reference)
that night. warren betty came with flowers in tow to convince lauryn to take the role halle berry took in that political film of his (forget the title)
well....i went in the foundation room with kamal and some jawns was rapping to us when suddenly
pac and suge walked in like this was an old western.---remember how that piano player shut his piano when rae dawn chong hit oprah's character in the face on color purple?--man it felt like that.
we saw suge whisper something to deon sanders and whatever it was, neon deon's whole demeanor was like *whimpers* he left INSTANTLY .
kamal was like " see how he bitched out deon?,,,,,,yo imma say whussup!"
i told him NO!!!! he was like "pssh fuck dat....pac is my nigga!"
i watched kamal go over to say hi through the reflection of a knife as a rear view (you know how they use mirrors in jail?) "he held his arm out and then........they gave him love back! whew!.....---
that whole weekend there was drama cause the bad boy/death row shit was about to be in full swing.
i followed mal and got love too. pac said he fucked with riq hard and said he wanted to work with us....i held him to that and in august i asked for a quote for illadelph halflife and he was more than happy to provide it.
for more stories go here
u won't be disappointed
Dr. Dre & Timbaland go back to school..
The students of Culver City High School in California recieved one helluva graduation present last night. Inside the school’s gymnasium, Dr. Dre and Timbaland made a surprise appearance. Dre didn’t perform, but Timbo recited cuts like, “The Way I Are,” ”Promiscuous Girl,” and “Say Something”. The concert was recorded for an online documentary and was sponsored by Hewlett Packard and Interscope Records. The label also plans to donate $10,000 worth of computer equipment.
Via; Rap Radar
Thats wassup I Dre got time to DJ at a high school, but doesn't have time to drop a fucking album?..right..
Jay-Z & Eminem on Lettermen
Here is a preview of Em & Hov on David Lettermen that airs on Friday. Hov has a lil sit and chat with Dave while Em gives his top 10..Em looks REALLY uncomfortable..must need them pills..
Beanie Sigel fires shots at Drake
well since Hov isn't gonna respond, I guess Sigel is gonna go after Jimmy instead..why doesn't he pick on somebody his own size!
In the words of Em..."Let it go dogg, it's over.."
Laws-Hold You Down (Video)
One of the most slept on up coming rappers out right now. IMO he should have been one of the Freshmen this year..but you know XXL is always late with the hype. Dude is backed by DJ Khaili & 9th Wonder and has a few mixtapes out with 4:57 & Your Future Favorite Rapper trust me this dude could be a problem...
I know this happened a few days ago but some of yall might not have heard. Its only been 5 yrs since I left Vegas and now UNARMED NIGGAS GETTIN SHOT OVER WEED...BULLSHIT That cop needs to be fired and put in jail can i get an AMEN!
Eminem & Jay-Z adding shows..
Can you say sold out? Looks like one Detroit (9/2) and one New York (9/13) show wasn’t good enough. The dynamic duo have added on to their history-making Fall Classic concert series. Sources confirmed an additional show will go down in the D on 9/3 and in the BX on 9/14. Tickets on sale tmw morn at 10 am. Wow!
via: Rap Radar
Well DAMN...the Rengades is on sum MJ shit...
BIG K.R.I.T Signs to DEF JAM!!
Big KRIT whom you might recognize from songs with Wiz Khalifa and Curren$y has just signed to Def Jam thats a big look for someone from the JETS FOOL!
Video: Converse x Kid Cudi
Converse dropped the first short video that takes you behind the scenes to see how Scotty became the artist we all know as Kid Cudi. I believe after the 3rd installment to this 3 part shorty is released, a track with Bethany Cosentino (Best Coast,) Rostam Batmanglij (Vampire Weekend) and Kid Cudi will be released.. This will be sometime in July.
Nikki Minaj = Fake

I'm honestly sicK & Tired of this bitxh Nikki Minaj !!!!! This bitxh is just 2 fake and fucKing confused IF U ask me.. How are u a damn Barbie and a harajuku doll ?????? Grow up and be a damn WOMAN. I bet you never even been 2 Jingu Bridge Harajuku is an area between Shinjuku and Shibuya and u put that whole area 2 shame.. Barbie would fit u better since u as fake ass she is.. U are made up U have no style and your voice is hella annoying. U kopy LIL KIM for a living but guess what u will never B kim...
Just do all your fans a favor and be YOURSELF ONIKA MIRAJ !!!!
Thats IF u still remember who u are....
Well I hope u enjoy your fake Ass/Nose/and style kause when it ALL komes down U just wanna B sumbody else....
bye bye FAKE ASS